29 September 2009

Tuesday Morning

Last week's blossoms, blown away in this week's wind.

Things, (the things that make up a life), all seem a bit tenuous these last few days. Not sure why.

I need a good full day of creativity I think. I'm assigning myself an Art Only day. And perhaps a walk. And maybe I'll treat myself to a hot chocolate at that new cafe up the road.


  1. hi veronica! what a lovely space you have here - it is so calming and serene! my best friend is moving back to NZ in a month - to Invercargill - so you will be one up on us - she's a gem! i'll definitely pop back over here - what beautiful images you capture...
    x donna

  2. An Art Only Day, I really like the sound of that. I think that would help me too. Lovely idea, thank you! ~Kathy

  3. Your images are just truly breathtaking. I've seen many different types of shots and they all take me a moment to gather back my thoughts. They just leave you in awe. So soft, inspiring, and just absolutley wonderful.

  4. the art day, the walk, and especially the hot chocolate, all sound like the perfect day to me!! enjoy, veronica!! :))

  5. Sounds like a good idea....keep well xx

  6. Oh Veronica, this blog is just MAGICAL. I just stumbled upon you via some other blog, and your photographs are staggeringly beautiful in their simple but artful composition...wow. I look forward to following future posts! Cheers!

  7. Lovely image. Is it spring there? Fall is just starting to peek at us this week but it will play games before it shows up for good. An all art day with a walk and hot chocolate sounds PERFECT! I'd like to come!
