A still morning, no wind, no sun, no noise. Its one of those mysterious
un-weather days. Kind of like an
unbirthday, which co-incidentally it is today too.
Walking home from town the other day I spied a
cape gooseberry bush. Im sure these fruit must ripen in the autumn so these must be left over from last season. I didnt think anyone would mind, so I discretely hopped a fence to gather these little lanterns from beneath the bush. I also found this remnant from last seasons
Pohutukawa. These little trinkets will be tucked away carefully until one day when I dedide they are just what I need for an art work.
I have been working on some other art things. Progress is slow. I seem to work like that. At first it seems as if all my effort is dissipating into thin air with nothing to show for it. Just a partly prepared surface, various
separate, half finished elements, dirty paint brushes and a pile of rubbish to tidy. No masterpiece.
I become a little despondent at my lack of progress. My doubts arise to taunt me. That little critic comes out to remind me of how much I
haven't achieved.
But, a-ha(!) I have a little song to hum:
- Still round the corner there may wait
- A new road or a secret gate...
- Tolkien
And there always is a new road. Must remember this.