29 October 2010


Weather close and sultry. I discovered a most carefully hidden robins nest today in a marshy spinney in Elmdon Park. I was stooping down to gather some cowslips when a robin fled out over my hand from under the roots of an Alder tree growing close beside me. It was quite a small tree, supported by four strong roots which held it up clear of the ground, forming an archway. In this cavity, right under the centre of the tree was placed the nest which contained five eggs. The crab apple trees and bushes are looking very beautiful now, covered with pink blossom and crimson buds.
Edith Holden, 7th of May 1906.

Ive been reading The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I bought it at the book fair simply for its sweet illustrations, but somehow Edith's rambles through the English country side have drawn me in.

One hundred and four years later, some things still remain unchanged. Thankfully. Last weekend I watched a Thrush tending her nest. Her home was not so well hidden, placed in a bush right by the house. She watched our comings and goings with alert bright eyes and all the while tended her young ones, bringing them food and keeping them warm and safe.

The apple tree is in bloom and a Korimako spent some time dining from its blossom.


  1. We had some sweet little birds that made a nest on top of a column on the front porch this summer. I loved the way the momma tended to her birds as we would go in and out of the house...watching us but never paying much mind. Such beautiful creatures.

  2. I adore these pictures! I'm sure I own that book too, I must go on a search for it.
